#!/usr/bin/env sh #This file name is "dns_dnsservices.sh" #Script for Danish DNS registra and DNS hosting provider https://dns.services #Author: Bjarke Bruun #Report Bugs here: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/4152 # Global variable to connect to the DNS.Services API DNSServices_API=https://dns.services/api ######## Public functions ##################### #Usage: dns_dnsservices_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" dns_dnsservices_add() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 _info "Using dns.services to create ACME DNS challenge" _debug2 add_fulldomain "$fulldomain" _debug2 add_txtvalue "$txtvalue" # Read username/password from environment or .acme.sh/accounts.conf DnsServices_Username="${DnsServices_Username:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DnsServices_Username)}" DnsServices_Password="${DnsServices_Password:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DnsServices_Password)}" if [ -z "$DnsServices_Username" ] || [ -z "$DnsServices_Password" ]; then DnsServices_Username="" DnsServices_Password="" _err "You didn't specify dns.services api username and password yet." _err "Set environment variables DnsServices_Username and DnsServices_Password" return 1 fi # Setup GET/POST/DELETE headers _setup_headers #save the credentials to the account conf file. _saveaccountconf_mutable DnsServices_Username "$DnsServices_Username" _saveaccountconf_mutable DnsServices_Password "$DnsServices_Password" if ! _contains "$DnsServices_Username" "@"; then _err "It seems that the username variable DnsServices_Username has not been set/left blank" _err "or is not a valid email. Please correct and try again." return 1 fi if ! _get_root "${fulldomain}"; then _err "Invalid domain ${fulldomain}" return 1 fi if ! createRecord "$fulldomain" "${txtvalue}"; then _err "Error creating TXT record in domain $fulldomain in $rootZoneName" return 1 fi _debug2 challenge-created "Created $fulldomain" return 0 } #Usage: fulldomain txtvalue #Description: Remove the txt record after validation. dns_dnsservices_rm() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 _info "Using dns.services to remove DNS record $fulldomain TXT $txtvalue" _debug rm_fulldomain "$fulldomain" _debug rm_txtvalue "$txtvalue" # Read username/password from environment or .acme.sh/accounts.conf DnsServices_Username="${DnsServices_Username:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DnsServices_Username)}" DnsServices_Password="${DnsServices_Password:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DnsServices_Password)}" if [ -z "$DnsServices_Username" ] || [ -z "$DnsServices_Password" ]; then DnsServices_Username="" DnsServices_Password="" _err "You didn't specify dns.services api username and password yet." _err "Set environment variables DnsServices_Username and DnsServices_Password" return 1 fi # Setup GET/POST/DELETE headers _setup_headers if ! _get_root "${fulldomain}"; then _err "Invalid domain ${fulldomain}" return 1 fi _debug2 rm_rootDomainInfo "found root domain $rootZoneName for $fulldomain" if ! deleteRecord "${fulldomain}" "${txtvalue}"; then _err "Error removing record: $fulldomain TXT ${txtvalue}" return 1 fi return 0 } #################### Private functions below ################################## _setup_headers() { # Set up API Headers for _get() and _post() # The _add or _rm must have been called before to work if [ -z "$DnsServices_Username" ] || [ -z "$DnsServices_Password" ]; then _err "Could not setup BASIC authentication headers, they are missing" return 1 fi DnsServiceCredentials="$(printf "%s" "$DnsServices_Username:$DnsServices_Password" | _base64)" export _H1="Authorization: Basic $DnsServiceCredentials" export _H2="Content-Type: application/json" # Just return if headers are set return 0 } _get_root() { domain=$1 _debug2 _get_root "Get the root domain of ${domain} for DNS API" # Setup _get() and _post() headers #_setup_headers result=$(_H1="$_H1" _H2="$_H2" _get "$DNSServices_API/dns") _debug2 _get_root "Got the following root domain(s) $result" _debug2 _get_root "- JSON: $result" if [ "$(echo "$result" | grep -c '"name"')" -gt "1" ]; then checkMultiZones="true" _debug2 _get_root "- multiple zones found" else checkMultiZones="false" fi # Find/isolate the root zone to work with in createRecord() and deleteRecord() rootZone="" if [ "$checkMultiZones" = "true" ]; then rootZone=$(for zone in $(echo "$result" | tr -d '\n' ' '); do if [ "$(echo "$domain" | grep "$zone")" != "" ]; then _debug2 _get_root "- trying to figure out if $zone is in $domain" echo "$zone" break fi done) else rootZone=$(echo "$result" | _egrep_o '"name":"[^"]*' | cut -d'"' -f4) _debug2 _get_root "- only found 1 domain in API: $rootZone" fi if [ -z "$rootZone" ]; then _err "Could not find root domain for $domain - is it correctly typed?" return 1 fi # Setup variables used by other functions to communicate with DNS.Services API #zoneInfo=$(echo "$result" | sed "s,\"zones,\n&,g" | grep zones | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1 | tr '}' '\n' | grep "\"$rootZone\"") zoneInfo=$(echo "$result" | sed -E 's,.*(zones)(.*),\1\2,g' | sed -E 's,^(.*"name":")([^"]*)"(.*)$,\2,g' | grep "\"$rootZone\"") rootZoneName="$rootZone" subDomainName="$(echo "$domain" | sed "s,\.$rootZone,,g")" subDomainNameClean="$(echo "$domain" | sed "s,_acme-challenge.,,g")" rootZoneDomainID=$(echo "$result" | sed -E 's,.*(zones)(.*),\1\2,g' | sed -E 's,^(.*"domain_id":")([^"]*)"(.*)$,\2,g') rootZoneServiceID=$(echo "$result" | sed -E 's,.*(zones)(.*),\1\2,g' | sed -E 's,^(.*"service_id":")([^"]*)"(.*)$,\2,g') _debug2 _zoneInfo "Zone info from API : $zoneInfo" _debug2 _get_root "Root zone name : $rootZoneName" _debug2 _get_root "Root zone domain ID : $rootZoneDomainID" _debug2 _get_root "Root zone service ID: $rootZoneServiceID" _debug2 _get_root "Sub domain : $subDomainName" _debug _get_root "Found valid root domain $rootZone for $subDomainNameClean" return 0 } createRecord() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue="$2" # Get root domain information - needed for DNS.Services API communication if [ -z "$rootZoneName" ] || [ -z "$rootZoneDomainID" ] || [ -z "$rootZoneServiceID" ]; then _get_root "$fulldomain" fi _debug2 createRecord "CNAME TXT value is: $txtvalue" # Prepare data to send to API data="{\"name\":\"${fulldomain}\",\"type\":\"TXT\",\"content\":\"${txtvalue}\", \"ttl\":\"10\"}" _debug2 createRecord "data to API: $data" result=$(_post "$data" "$DNSServices_API/service/$rootZoneServiceID/dns/$rootZoneDomainID/records" "" "POST") _debug2 createRecord "result from API: $result" if [ "$(echo "$result" | _egrep_o "\"success\":true")" = "" ]; then _err "Failed to create TXT record $fulldomain with content $txtvalue in zone $rootZoneName" _err "$result" return 1 fi _info "Record \"$fulldomain TXT $txtvalue\" has been created" return 0 } deleteRecord() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 _log deleteRecord "Deleting $fulldomain TXT $txtvalue record" if [ -z "$rootZoneName" ] || [ -z "$rootZoneDomainID" ] || [ -z "$rootZoneServiceID" ]; then _get_root "$fulldomain" fi result="$(_H1="$_H1" _H2="$_H2" _get "$DNSServices_API/service/$rootZoneServiceID/dns/$rootZoneDomainID")" recordInfo="$(echo "$result" | sed -e 's/:{/:{\n/g' -e 's/},/\n},\n/g' | grep "${txtvalue}")" recordID="$(echo "$recordInfo" | sed -e 's/:{/:{\n/g' -e 's/},/\n},\n/g' | grep "${txtvalue}" | sed -E 's,.*(zones)(.*),\1\2,g' | sed -E 's,^(.*"id":")([^"]*)"(.*)$,\2,g')" recordDomainID="$(echo "$recordInfo" | sed -e 's/:{/:{\n/g' -e 's/},/\n},\n/g' | grep "${txtvalue}" | sed -E 's,.*(zones)(.*),\1\2,g' | sed -E 's,^(.*"domain_id":")([^"]*)"(.*)$,\2,g')" recordName="$(echo "$recordInfo" | sed -e 's/:{/:{\n/g' -e 's/},/\n},\n/g' | grep "${txtvalue}" | sed -E 's,.*(zones)(.*),\1\2,g' | sed -E 's,^(.*"name":")([^"]*)"(.*)$,\2,g')" if [ -z "$recordID" ]; then _info "Record $fulldomain TXT $txtvalue not found or already deleted" return 0 else _debug2 deleteRecord "Found recordID=$recordID" fi _debug2 deleteRecord "DELETE request $DNSServices_API/service/$rootZoneServiceID/dns/$rootZoneDomainID/records/$recordID" _log "curl DELETE request $DNSServices_API/service/$rootZoneServiceID/dns/$rootZoneDomainID/records/$recordID" result="$(_H1="$_H1" _H2="$_H2" _post "" "$DNSServices_API/service/$rootZoneServiceID/dns/$rootZoneDomainID/records/$recordID" "" "DELETE")" _debug2 deleteRecord "API Delete result \"$result\"" _log "curl API Delete result \"$result\"" # Return OK regardless return 0 }