#!/usr/bin/env sh # Name: dns_miab.sh # # Authors: # Darven Dissek 2018 # William Gertz 2019 # # Thanks to Neil Pang for the code reused from acme.sh from HTTP-01 validation # used to communicate with the MailintheBox Custom DNS API # Report Bugs here: # https://github.com/billgertz/MIAB_dns_api (for dns_miab.sh) # https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh (for acme.sh) # ######## Public functions ##################### #Usage: dns_miab_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" dns_miab_add() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 _info "Using miab" _debug fulldomain "$fulldomain" _debug txtvalue "$txtvalue" MIAB_Username="${MIAB_Username:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Username)}" MIAB_Password="${MIAB_Password:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Password)}" MIAB_Server="${MIAB_Server:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Server)}" #debug log the environmental variables _debug MIAB_Username "$MIAB_Username" _debug MIAB_Password "$MIAB_Password" _debug MIAB_Server "$MIAB_Server" if [ -z "$MIAB_Username" ] || [ -z "$MIAB_Password" ] || [ -z "$MIAB_Server" ]; then MIAB_Username="" MIAB_Password="" MIAB_Server="" _err "You didn't specify MIAB_Username or MIAB_Password or MIAB_Server." _err "Please try again." return 1 fi #save the credentials to the account conf file. _saveaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Username "$MIAB_Username" _saveaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Password "$MIAB_Password" _saveaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Server "$MIAB_Server" baseurl="https://$MIAB_Server/admin/dns/custom/$fulldomain/txt" #Add the challenge record result="$(_miab_post "$txtvalue" "$baseurl" "" "POST" "" "$MIAB_Username" "$MIAB_Password")" _debug result "$result" #check if result was good if _contains "$result" "updated DNS"; then _info "Successfully created the txt record" return 0 else _err "Error encountered during record addition" _err "$result" return 1 fi } #Usage: fulldomain txtvalue #Remove the txt record after validation. dns_miab_rm() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 _info "Using miab" _debug fulldomain "$fulldomain" _debug txtvalue "$txtvalue" MIAB_Username="${MIAB_Username:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Username)}" MIAB_Password="${MIAB_Password:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Password)}" MIAB_Server="${MIAB_Server:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Server)}" #debug log the environmental variables _debug MIAB_Username "$MIAB_Username" _debug MIAB_Password "$MIAB_Password" _debug MIAB_Server "$MIAB_Server" if [ -z "$MIAB_Username" ] || [ -z "$MIAB_Password" ] || [ -z "$MIAB_Server" ]; then MIAB_Username="" MIAB_Password="" MIAB_Server="" _err "You didn't specify MIAB_Username or MIAB_Password or MIAB_Server." _err "Please try again." return 1 fi #save the credentials to the account conf file. _saveaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Username "$MIAB_Username" _saveaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Password "$MIAB_Password" _saveaccountconf_mutable MIAB_Server "$MIAB_Server" baseurl="https://$MIAB_Server/admin/dns/custom/$fulldomain/txt" #Remove the challenge record result="$(_miab_post "$txtvalue" "$baseurl" "" "DELETE" "" "$MIAB_Username" "$MIAB_Password")" _debug result "$result" #check if result was good if _contains "$result" "updated DNS"; then _info "Successfully created the txt record" return 0 else _err "Error encountered during record addition" _err "$result" return 1 fi } #################### Private functions below ################################## # # post changes to MIAB dns (taken from acme.sh) _miab_post() { body="$1" _post_url="$2" needbase64="$3" httpmethod="$4" _postContentType="$5" username="$6" password="$7" if [ -z "$httpmethod" ]; then httpmethod="POST" fi _debug $httpmethod _debug "_post_url" "$_post_url" _debug2 "body" "$body" _debug2 "_postContentType" "$_postContentType" _inithttp if [ "$_ACME_CURL" ] && [ "${ACME_USE_WGET:-0}" = "0" ]; then _CURL="$_ACME_CURL" if [ "$HTTPS_INSECURE" ]; then _CURL="$_CURL --insecure " fi _debug "_CURL" "$_CURL" if [ "$needbase64" ]; then if [ "$_postContentType" ]; then response="$($_CURL --user-agent "$USER_AGENT" -X $httpmethod --user "$username:$password" -H "Content-Type: $_postContentType" -H "$_H1" -H "$_H2" -H "$_H3" -H "$_H4" -H "$_H5" --data "$body" "$_post_url" | _base64)" else response="$($_CURL --user-agent "$USER_AGENT" -X $httpmethod --user "$username:$password" -H "$_H1" -H "$_H2" -H "$_H3" -H "$_H4" -H "$_H5" --data "$body" "$_post_url" | _base64)" fi else if [ "$_postContentType" ]; then response="$($_CURL --user-agent "$USER_AGENT" -X $httpmethod --user "$username:$password" -H "Content-Type: $_postContentType" -H "$_H1" -H "$_H2" -H "$_H3" -H "$_H4" -H "$_H5" --data "$body" "$_post_url")" else response="$($_CURL --user-agent "$USER_AGENT" -X $httpmethod --user "$username:$password" -H "$_H1" -H "$_H2" -H "$_H3" -H "$_H4" -H "$_H5" --data "$body" "$_post_url")" fi fi _ret="$?" if [ "$_ret" != "0" ]; then _err "Please refer to https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html for error code: $_ret" if [ "$DEBUG" ] && [ "$DEBUG" -ge "2" ]; then _err "Here is the curl dump log:" _err "$(cat "$_CURL_DUMP")" fi fi elif [ "$_ACME_WGET" ]; then _WGET="$_ACME_WGET" if [ "$HTTPS_INSECURE" ]; then _WGET="$_WGET --no-check-certificate " fi _debug "_WGET" "$_WGET" if [ "$needbase64" ]; then if [ "$httpmethod" = "POST" ]; then if [ "$_postContentType" ]; then response="$($_WGET -S -O - --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" --header "$_H5" --header "$_H4" --header "$_H3" --header "$_H2" --header "$_H1" --header "Content-Type: $_postContentType" --post-data="$body" "$_post_url" 2>"$HTTP_HEADER" | _base64)" else response="$($_WGET -S -O - --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" --header "$_H5" --header "$_H4" --header "$_H3" --header "$_H2" --header "$_H1" --post-data="$body" "$_post_url" 2>"$HTTP_HEADER" | _base64)" fi else if [ "$_postContentType" ]; then response="$($_WGET -S -O - --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" --header "$_H5" --header "$_H4" --header "$_H3" --header "$_H2" --header "$_H1" --header "Content-Type: $_postContentType" --method $httpmethod --body-data="$body" "$_post_url" 2>"$HTTP_HEADER" | _base64)" else response="$($_WGET -S -O - --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" --header "$_H5" --header "$_H4" --header "$_H3" --header "$_H2" --header "$_H1" --method $httpmethod --body-data="$body" "$_post_url" 2>"$HTTP_HEADER" | _base64)" fi fi else if [ "$httpmethod" = "POST" ]; then if [ "$_postContentType" ]; then response="$($_WGET -S -O - --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" --header "$_H5" --header "$_H4" --header "$_H3" --header "$_H2" --header "$_H1" --header "Content-Type: $_postContentType" --post-data="$body" "$_post_url" 2>"$HTTP_HEADER")" else response="$($_WGET -S -O - --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" --header "$_H5" --header "$_H4" --header "$_H3" --header "$_H2" --header "$_H1" --post-data="$body" "$_post_url" 2>"$HTTP_HEADER")" fi else if [ "$_postContentType" ]; then response="$($_WGET -S -O - --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" --header "$_H5" --header "$_H4" --header "$_H3" --header "$_H2" --header "$_H1" --header "Content-Type: $_postContentType" --method $httpmethod --body-data="$body" "$_post_url" 2>"$HTTP_HEADER")" else response="$($_WGET -S -O - --user-agent="$USER_AGENT" --header "$_H5" --header "$_H4" --header "$_H3" --header "$_H2" --header "$_H1" --method $httpmethod --body-data="$body" "$_post_url" 2>"$HTTP_HEADER")" fi fi fi _ret="$?" if [ "$_ret" = "8" ]; then _ret=0 _debug "wget returns 8, the server returns a 'Bad request' response, lets process the response later." fi if [ "$_ret" != "0" ]; then _err "Please refer to https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Exit-Status.html for error code: $_ret" fi _sed_i "s/^ *//g" "$HTTP_HEADER" else _ret="$?" _err "Neither curl nor wget was found, cannot do $httpmethod." fi _debug "_ret" "$_ret" printf "%s" "$response" return $_ret }