#!/usr/bin/env sh # Script to deploy certificate to a Gitlab hosted page # The following variables exported from environment will be used. # If not set then values previously saved in domain.conf file are used. # All the variables are required # export GITLAB_TOKEN="xxxxxxx" # export GITLAB_PROJECT_ID=012345 # export GITLAB_DOMAIN="mydomain.com" gitlab_deploy() { _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cca="$4" _cfullchain="$5" _debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" _debug _ckey "$_ckey" _debug _ccert "$_ccert" _debug _cca "$_cca" _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain" if [ -z "$GITLAB_TOKEN" ]; then if [ -z "$Le_Deploy_gitlab_token" ]; then _err "GITLAB_TOKEN not defined." return 1 fi else Le_Deploy_gitlab_token="$GITLAB_TOKEN" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_gitlab_token "$Le_Deploy_gitlab_token" fi if [ -z "$GITLAB_PROJECT_ID" ]; then if [ -z "$Le_Deploy_gitlab_project_id" ]; then _err "GITLAB_PROJECT_ID not defined." return 1 fi else Le_Deploy_gitlab_project_id="$GITLAB_PROJECT_ID" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_gitlab_project_id "$Le_Deploy_gitlab_project_id" fi if [ -z "$GITLAB_DOMAIN" ]; then if [ -z "$Le_Deploy_gitlab_domain" ]; then _err "GITLAB_DOMAIN not defined." return 1 fi else Le_Deploy_gitlab_domain="$GITLAB_DOMAIN" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_gitlab_domain "$Le_Deploy_gitlab_domain" fi #curl -s --fail --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $Le_Deploy_gitlab_token" --form "certificate=@$_cfullchain" --form "key=@$_ckey" "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/$Le_Deploy_gitlab_project_id/pages/domains/$Le_Deploy_gitlab_domain" >/dev/null && exit 0 string_fullchain=$(_url_encode <$_cfullchain) string_key=$(_url_encode <$_ckey) body="certificate=$string_fullchain&key=$string_key" export _H1="PRIVATE-TOKEN: $Le_Deploy_gitlab_token" gitlab_url="https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/$Le_Deploy_gitlab_project_id/pages/domains/$Le_Deploy_gitlab_domain" _response=$(_post "$body" "$gitlab_url" 0 PUT | _dbase64 "multiline") error_response="error" if test "${_response#*$error_response}" != "$_response"; then _err "Error in deploying certificate:" _err "$_response" return 1 fi _debug response "$_response" _info "Certificate successfully deployed" return 0 }